Three Common Dental Issues You Need To Know About

August 30, 2022

It’s a rat race out there, even on the microscopic level. The race to survival and dominance is an ancient sport that existed long before we learned to walk. This makes our body a constant battleground, where bacteria and our immune system are at each other’s neck. A critical front in this war is our mouth, so a healthy mouth means a healthy body and vice versa. However, you as an individual get a lot to say; as such that your actions can tilt the scales. Therefore, it’s better to arm yourself with knowledge of how bacteria affect our oral health and what you can do about it.


Cavities are like blemishes on your pearly whites, and not only do they undermine your teeth’s cosmetics but also their strength. However, do you know who is to blame for it? Bacteria, especially a notorious family of bacteria known as S.mutans. They are found in plaque, a white sticky layer formed on your teeth, and feed on food remnants.

S.mutans secrete acid to digest stuck food tidbits. However, the acid turns out to be archnemesis of your enamel. Acid demineralizes the enamel boring a hole through it. With time, the hole gets deeper and deeper until it hits rock bottom. This is when screeching pain warns you about the impending doom.

Gum Diseases:

We talked about how plaque led to cavities, but its role is far from over. Plaque is where bacteria proliferate, so eventually, the plaque spreads and will reach your gumline, irritating it. As a response, the gumline swells up, becomes tender, and recedes. Hence, when you poke plumped gums, they will start to bleed. This might strike some remembrance when you brush your teeth and spit out a mixture of blood.

However, that’s just a start; as the gum recedes, they leave behind empty pockets for more plaque to fill. The plaque now hardens into tartar which is quite challenging to remove. The cycle continues, and your gums recede further, allowing space for more tartar. All this mayhem may end in tooth loss.

Halitosis Or Bad Breath:

Bad breath is another outcome of a bacterial rampage in your mouth. The bacteria feed on food remnants and emanate sulfur compounds, and these sulfur compounds give bad breath its characteristic smell.

Steps You Can Take For Better Oral Health:

All of the above common oral issues are avoidable with good oral hygiene:

  • Brush regularly and thoroughly for two minutes.
  • Use floss to pick out sneaky food stuck between your teeth and crevices.
  • Mouthwash to stave off bad breath and keep bacteria numbers in check.

Furthermore, you should make slight changes in your diet by making vegetables, fruits, and dairy a regular part of your meal. This will boost your immunity and amp up probiotics in your body. Moreover, don’t forget an essential step in your oral hygiene: regular dental checkups—ring Briar Forest Dental Group at (713) 784-4430 to book an appointment.

We are proud to serve patients from all nearby communities, including Briar Forest, The Memorial Villages, Memorial City, Westchase, and Walnut Bend.


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