Tooth Extraction Houston, TX 77042

Many dental issues can result in tooth extraction. Although this is the last resort, your dentist might pull out your tooth if no other treatment for its recovery is possible. We might be able to help if you need a tooth extraction in Houston, TX!

When is Tooth Extraction Needed?

Tooth extraction is something your dentist might save as a last resort. Nonetheless, it is needed in a few situations, as it will keep your mouth healthy. You might undergo tooth extraction for:

  • Gum disease
  • Excessive tooth decay
  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Chemotherapy (since the body is fighting cancer, it fails to keep your mouth healthy enough)
  • Dental Fracture under the gums
  • Overcrowded teeth

Is There Any Benefit to Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Your third molars can cause many problems, depending on their growth. If your jaw has insufficient space for a new tooth, you’ll get an impacted wisdom tooth. If this is the case, extraction saves you from overcrowding and other orthodontic issues. Moreover, it impacts the surrounding teeth by applying pressure, leading to enamel wear. It increases the chances of cavities and gum disease as well. Our cheap tooth extraction in Houston will save you from all the troubles your third molars might bring.

Anyone who needs a tooth extraction in Houston, TX, can request an appointment with the best dental experts below.

Mouth Guards

What Kinds of Tooth Extraction Are There?

There are two tooth extraction procedures, simple and surgical.

In a simple tooth extraction procedure, the dental expert will use local anesthesia to numb the area surrounding the targeted tooth. They will then use Elevator, a dental tool, to loosen the tooth. Then, they will pull it out with dental forceps.

For surgical tooth extraction, you will receive local and intravenous anesthesia to help you relax. Then, they will make small incisions on the gum for tooth extraction. You’ll need stitches after this procedure.

At Briar Forest Dental Group, we offer cheap tooth extraction Houston residents can afford, but that does not mean it is not the best.

What Are the Risks of Tooth Extraction?

Many patients in Houston, TX, wonder about the risks associated with tooth extractions.
Although rare, they include:

  • Infection – fever, chills, excessive pain
  • Cough
  • Swelling of the surgical site
  • Prolonged bleeding that lasts more than 12 hours
  • Chest pain and shortness of breath
  • Lack of blood clotting

Recovery from Tooth Extraction

Recovery time after a tooth extraction depends on the procedure you need. On average, it takes a few days to recover completely. You can expect to go on with your regular routine in 3- 5 days. To ensure that the process goes smoothly, you should stick to a few guidelines. These include:

  • Cold compresses
  • No smoking, no brushing or flossing of the surgical area, and avoid using straws.
  • Taking your prescribed medications
  • Warm salt water rinses after 24 hours
  • Let the gauze stay on the surgical site for at least 3-4 hours

Tooth Extraction Houston

Our specialist can perform the tooth extraction Houston residents are looking for. You can visit them at our clinic or place a call at 713-784-4430. You can also request an appointment on our website.