Wisdom Teeth Extraction Houston, Tx 77042
The purpose of this article is to inform you about wisdom tooth extraction. Consult your primary care physician or another qualified health expert if you have any concerns.
What Exactly Are Wisdom Teeth?
These teeth, also known as third molars, usually appear between 17 and 21. By the age of 16, your child’s dentist will most likely have completed an initial evaluation. Most mouths cannot accommodate four additional teeth, so wisdom teeth are frequently extracted. So, why do we have them if there isn’t enough room for them in most mouths? It is generally believed that they were necessary for our forefathers, even though we don’t use them anymore. They were helpful when most people’s diets consisted of meat, herbs, roots, and nuts.
Are There Any Alternatives To Having A Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
- Simple pain relievers, such as paracetamol, can help manage mild pain caused by wisdom teeth.
- When the wisdom tooth is infected, antibiotics and cleaning with hot, saltwater, or chlorhexidine mouthwash can assist.
- In some situations, removing the gum that lies over your tooth (operculectomy) may be possible if a wisdom tooth has partially erupted.
- If your tooth’s root is close to the nerve that supplies sensation to your lower lip, you may be able to remove only the crown of your tooth (coronectomy).
What Exactly Is The Procedure?
Most top wisdom teeth can be easily removed with local anesthesia. Lower wisdom teeth are harder to extract. A wisdom tooth removal procedure may include cutting the gum to expose the tooth, removing bone around the tooth, and dividing the tooth using a drill.
What Are the Signs That You’re Child Needs Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?
The American Dental Association advises that individuals between the ages of 16 and 19 get their wisdom teeth checked by a dentist to determine whether they need to be extracted. There is no ideal age for wisdom tooth extraction, so when should you have it done? Should your child’s wisdom teeth be extracted straight immediately, or should you wait to see if complications arise? Unfortunately, the choice is not straightforward.
If your child already has wisdom teeth, consider the following:
If your child already has wisdom teeth, consider the following:
- Are they affected? Impacted teeth can grow sideways or crooked, causing more complications.
- Is there any overcrowding? The teeth become crowded when they are too close together and press against one another. This can cause pain and illness because of microorganisms present between overcrowded teeth.
- Are they causing any discomfort? If your child’s teeth are causing pain or discomfort, it may be time to consider extraction.
It is unlikely that wisdom teeth extractions will cause long-term issues. Some cases of impacted wisdom teeth require a surgical technique involving an incision in the gum tissue and bone removal. Complications are rare but can include:
- The loss of a post-operative blood clot results in a painful dry socket (socket)
- Bacterial infection in the socket or trapped food particles
- Damage to teeth, nerves, jawbone, or sinuses nearby
How Long Will It Take Me To Recover?
You could be out of work for up to a week. Your routine activities should resume within a week. The majority of people recover completely.
Wisdom teeth can occasionally cause significant difficulties. Having wisdom teeth extracted is usually a safe and efficient strategy to keep your discomfort at bay.