Fluoride For Dental Health In Houston, Tx 77042

Fluoride For Dental Health

Fluoride prevents cavities by strengthening teeth and strengthening the enamel. Fluoride has been used in dentistry for decades. In addition to promoting tooth enamel health, fluoride inhibits the growth of microorganisms that harm teeth and gums. The enamel covers the outside of the teeth.

Fluoride is especially beneficial if you have a high risk of developing dental caries, also known as cavities. Plaque is formed when bacteria on teeth and gums combine to create a sticky film. The acid produced by plaque erodes teeth and gums. Bacteria can infect and destroy the nerves and blood at the tooth’s center if plaque breaks down the enamel layer.

The following sections will explain fluoride treatment’s advantages, side effects, and expectations.

What happens during a fluoride treatment by a professional?

What happens during a fluoride treatment by a professional?

Dentists administer fluoride treatments in the form of a highly concentrated rinse, foam, gel, or varnish. Swabs, brushes, trays, or mouthwashes can be used for treatment. Water and toothpaste contain far less fluoride than these treatments. Applying them takes only a few minutes. To allow the fluoride to absorb correctly, you may be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for 30 minutes following the treatment.

Always provide your dentist with your complete medical history to recommend the best treatments for you.

How does it function?

Fluoride protects teeth from decay by doing the following:

  • Changing the structure of growing enamel in youngsters under the age of seven makes it more resistant to acid attack.
  • It creates a conducive environment for forming higher-quality enamel that is more resistant to acid damage.
  • Reducing bacteria’s capacity to generate acid in plaque

This entails the following procedures:

Demineralization protection:

Acid is produced when bacteria in the mouth react with carbohydrates. This acid can dissolve tooth enamel and cause damage to our teeth. Fluoride can protect teeth from acid-induced demineralization.


As a result of acid damage, fluoride accumulates in the demineralized areas and strengthens the enamel. This is called remineralization.

How much fluoride is required?

Your dentist may recommend a professional fluoride treatment every three, six, or 12 months. Those at high risk of cavities may suggest a special fluoride rinse or regular gel at home.

The following factors can exacerbate cavities:

  • Excessive drug or alcohol consumption
  • Eating disorder
  • Inadequate oral hygiene
  • A scarcity of professional dental treatment
  • Dietary deficiencies
  • A dry mouth or a reduction in saliva
  • Enamel weakness

How does this benefit the most people?

Everyone can benefit from additional dental protection, and anyone who can help the most is those who:

  • Take pleasure in nibbling.
  • Have bad oral hygiene
  • You have limited or no access to a dentist.
  • Consume high-sugar or high-carbohydrate diets.
  • Have bridges, crowns, braces, and other treatments been performed?

Have you ever had dental decay or cavities?

Most public health organizations and medical groups worldwide suggest that children and adults get fluoride to keep their teeth from decay.


Among its many benefits, fluoride prevents cavities. It restores minerals to dental enamel while preventing dangerous microorganisms from accumulating in the mouth. Excess consumption or exposure, as with any chemical, can be hazardous. It is critical not to utilize fluoride supplements without first consulting a dentist.
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