How Does Acid Reflux Affect Our Teeth?

April 15, 2022

Acid is the arch-nemesis of our tooth. Essentially, it’s not the bacteria that cause tooth decay but the acid produced by their metabolism. This is lactic acid we are talking about, and it’s among the not big and bad of the acid family. However, without proper care, even lactic acid can be detrimental to your teeth’s enamel. Now imagine the damage caused by stronger acid if they find their way into our mouths.

Nonetheless, that’s not a common occurrence, but it can still happen. We are talking about the effect of your stomach acid on your teeth. Therefore, without further ado, let’s dig in and discuss the impact of acid reflux on our teeth.

Why Does Our Stomach Has Acid In First Place?

Our stomachs houses on the most potent acid, HCL, which has a pH of 2. HCl in the stomach helps with the digestion of food and the termination of bacteria. This may sound amazing, but the acid can soon turn against its host if it leaves the vicinity of our stomachs. Our stomachs have a protective lining protecting the gut muscle against the acid. However, other parts of our digestive tract don’t have such convenience.

Stomach acid stays typically in its place because of muscles pinching the openings of the stomach. Nonetheless, if these muscles grow weak, the acid can frequently splash back into the esophagus, causing recurring heartburn. The acid because of acid reflux can even enter your mouth. This is when things turn dark.

Acid Reflux And Teeth:

Enamel comprises mineral composites that are sensitive to acid. Potent acid can dissolve away these minerals at an astounding rate. Eroded enamel makes the teeth weak and vulnerable to cavities. Here is what you will feel when acid reflux takes a toll on your teeth:

  • Increased Sensitivity: you may feel sharp pain after eating something hot or cold.
  • Discoloration: You will notice a yellowish discoloration of your teeth as the enamel wears thinner. Moreover, the stains from food and beverages are more prominent and permanent.
  • Fillings: Find that your fillings have changed.

When you don’t deal with the problem of acid reflux timely, the prognosis of affected teeth becomes gloomier. In extreme cases, holes and abscesses may develop, and you might need to head towards tooth extraction.

What Can You Do?

When you notice the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, refer to a doctor as soon as possible. They will prescribe you medications to help stop and ease GERD. Meanwhile, you can practice rebalancing the acid in your mouth by drinking lots of water. Saliva can neutralize acid, so saliva stimulating activities such as chewing gum can also help you.

As the enamel grows weaker, your determination to strengthen it should go stronger. Brushing and regular oral hygiene can aid you in this quest. For stronger fortification, you can opt for fluoride treatment. Hence, inform your dentist about acid reflux, as they are your best bet in protecting your teeth. For optimum treatment, you can rely on Briar Forest Dental Group. Moreover, you can ring us at 713-784-4430 to learn more about how we can help out.

We are proud to serve patients from all nearby communities, including Briar Forest, The Memorial Villages, Memorial City, Westchase, and Walnut Bend.


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